Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Haute Couture Kitten

So by now everyone who can identify Karl Lagerfeld (so so many people on this planet obviously cannot and he feels sorry for them) is also familiar with his feline princess Choupette.  I’m fairly certain everyone of us would trade places with Choupette in an instance.  I’m fairly certain my own little Princess Trilly would kill me in my sleep if she thought she had a chance at being Choupette.

Photo by Vittorio Zunino Celotto/Getty Images
Photo taken from skyliving.sky.com. Click here for source.

In case you’re unfamiliar with Choupette, she’s Lagerfeld’s cat.  Well, technically she was someone else’s kitten that he was just supposed to cat-sit and then he declared her his muse and refused to give her back.  I highly doubt anyone asks Lagerfeld to baby sit anything for them anymore.  Choupette has two maids whose primary purpose is to write down what she does every day while her Daddy is off working.  I have to assume that the maids are failed or wanna be super models because I can’t imagine Lagerfeld letting ugly people near his princess.

I would so love to write that diary (obviously I’m entirely too fat to be allowed in Lagerfeld’s apartment).  In my world the diary looks like this:

Was offered full fat food this morning.  Refused.  The maid is obviously trying to make me fat so Daddy will love me less. 

Daddy came home late from work.  Punished him by sitting with back to him for 5 whole minutes while he offered be a new diamond collar.  Forgave him when he produced matching tiara. 

Choupette does have a twitter account (https://twitter.com/ChoupettesDiary) but it could be so so so much funnier.  For one thing I think she ought to call Lagerfeld Pookie rather than Daddy.  Makes me laugh.

Anyway, my Princess Trilly loves bags.  She loves sleeping on bags and in bags.  She also loves cuddling my delicate lace top while I approach cautiously and gently to try to remove it before she activates claws.  Kitties have excellent taste.  That got me thinking that Choupette must have the most amazing collection of handbags (with matching collars? How soon until Chanel launches a line of specialty cat collars? Darn now I’ve spent 20 minutes online trying to find out if they already make them) and wondering what kind of purses she would have.

Looking at her I can’t imagine bold bright colours though they’d go well with her fur.  The answer has to be white.  Only white.  White with gold or platinum.  So how many white bags does Chanel make? I’m guessing Daddy needs to ensure they increase that ASAP.  Do you think she has a Chanel IPad cover? Stupid question, of course she does.


Leigh-Ellen Thomas lives, loves and shops on the East Coast of Canada with her husband, golden retriever and the cat who rules them all. For more fashion, travel and pet peeves visit her blog at http://littlewaterlily.blogspot.com/

NOTE FROM THE BLING GIRLS: Karl Lagerfeld has designed handbags for his Chanel 2013 collection called Choupette in honor of his pet. Let us know what you think of them!

Photo taken from fashionologie.com.  Click here for source.

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